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SoundByNature® by Sanni Orasmaa Thank you very much for being here and for feeling some curiosity towards the title of this website. With the beginning of this blog I want to share with you my concerns about the voice, the production of sound both spoken and sung. I would like to explain to you what my conclusions are going to be so that we can establish a dialogue where we can establish our points of view. I do not seek to have the absolute truth or to affirm categorically in a kind of Manichean theory about what happens when we use our voice. I just want to start doubting what is established as true, from the possibility of seeing the voice from another point of view of not only seeing it as the effect of a concatenation of muscular movements, but of the very expression of nature through us, without altering it or intervening in that process. How you can get to have these conclusions is what I will try to explain through this website.
Recent posts

The false need to obtain results

I do not believe in the obsession of obtaining results as a goal to accomplish things. Having separated us from nature, from the "mother" that has created us, we have been surprised by such ignorance of the things that it has led us to create the prevailing need to consciously control what we are doing. Otherwise we feel unacceptably lost, we do not know what to do. This is how we have disconnected, we have separated ourselves. This need for control has led to the two great mental premises that every separated person seeks, the "how to do for" and the "if I do this then I get the other". The need of control is an effect of the main cause of feeling unprotected and lacking in "something" that gives us security. Stop thinking, let things flow from the present moment are activities that we must accustom ourselves to exercise to begin to feel that we are not unprotected, that the solution arises by itself without having to do anything, that Natur...

Your new journey

At the moment I am writing these lines a fine rain falls on the other side of the window. I make a break in my present moment and I remember how all this time has passed since I started in the world of professional singing and the evolution that has taken place in my life. The study of the song began and it was proceeding according to the classic teaching canons, a teacher who is guiding you and telling you what you have to "do" so that your voice is projected in a way that is considered natural. I went through several professors and in each one of them the pattern of evolution was similar, appearance of progress at the beginning and appearance of backsliding or stagnation as time passed. As the years went by, the feeling of failure at the professional level reached such an extreme that there was a day when I asked myself: "It is not possible that life be a continuous suffering, an unstoppable succession of obstacles ... It does not make sense, I do not believe it,...

My new creed

I believe that the experiences of life are learning processes whose intention is to undertake a journey that takes you to the knowledge of your essence, your being, your true identity, your purpose in life. On this trip I have been discovering aspects of life in general and singing in particular that completely break with the tradition of teaching singing. Here I leave ideas to think over: I believe in singing as an act of love towards nature, towards oneself and towards others, because with the same act of love with which nature has given us a gift, we make it our own and extend it to others. Shared love is the love received. Giving and receiving occur in the same act. I believe in individuality as a distinctive sign of beauty, of singular beauty in an environment of plural beauty. By accepting ourselves we can be authentic in a situation of relationship with our environment, we are one with everything that surrounds us. I believe in the body as a reflection of our ...

My definiton of natural "gift"

I would personally define the gifts as those skills that make us unique, that differentiate us from the rest, that make us different within the unit to which we all belong. Therefore the gift is not an exclusive "grace" that some people have and others do not, that some people are included and others excluded. The ability to develop the expression of music through the voice is a gift we all have. If it does not develop it is due to the walls and barriers that we put ourselves through. If you enjoy the fact of singing, it is that nature wants to express itself through you through sounds, through the union of music and the word. And this expression is unique in you from the point of view of your particular characteristics. All who are called to sing have the gift of song, the ability to sing. That all of us who sing have this gift does not mean that it occurs in the same way. It is, for example, through the timbre, the color of the nuances that make a voice unique an...

Vocal technique?

In my opinion, in the voice teaching, in its traditional method, the means have been confused with the end. In most of the times, under my own experience in conservatories and with private teachers, the use of the media, the searching to achieve some kind of goal or result, has become an end itself. I mean, the application of a singing technique, which is nothing more than a conceptual theory that tries to find what happens when we speak or sing, has become an end itself. For many teachers, the application of a specific technique is the more important thing and they leave behind the point that singing can only be the execution of the natural expression of a text with music, of a message with content and musical form, in short, to be an instrument at the service of Nature. Today I can not help to remain astonished when I remember the practices in my student days, and which is done today, where you were not required to know the meaning of the text of the aria or song to be performed...