SoundByNature® by Sanni Orasmaa Thank you very much for being here and for feeling some curiosity towards the title of this website. With the beginning of this blog I want to share with you my concerns about the voice, the production of sound both spoken and sung. I would like to explain to you what my conclusions are going to be so that we can establish a dialogue where we can establish our points of view. I do not seek to have the absolute truth or to affirm categorically in a kind of Manichean theory about what happens when we use our voice. I just want to start doubting what is established as true, from the possibility of seeing the voice from another point of view of not only seeing it as the effect of a concatenation of muscular movements, but of the very expression of nature through us, without altering it or intervening in that process. How you can get to have these conclusions is what I will try to explain through this website.
I do not believe in the obsession of obtaining results as a goal to accomplish things. Having separated us from nature, from the "mother" that has created us, we have been surprised by such ignorance of the things that it has led us to create the prevailing need to consciously control what we are doing. Otherwise we feel unacceptably lost, we do not know what to do. This is how we have disconnected, we have separated ourselves. This need for control has led to the two great mental premises that every separated person seeks, the "how to do for" and the "if I do this then I get the other". The need of control is an effect of the main cause of feeling unprotected and lacking in "something" that gives us security. Stop thinking, let things flow from the present moment are activities that we must accustom ourselves to exercise to begin to feel that we are not unprotected, that the solution arises by itself without having to do anything, that Natur...