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My new creed

I believe that the experiences of life are learning processes whose intention is to undertake a journey that takes you to the knowledge of your essence, your being, your true identity, your purpose in life. On this trip I have been discovering aspects of life in general and singing in particular that completely break with the tradition of teaching singing. Here I leave ideas to think over:
  • I believe in singing as an act of love towards nature, towards oneself and towards others, because with the same act of love with which nature has given us a gift, we make it our own and extend it to others. Shared love is the love received. Giving and receiving occur in the same act.
  • I believe in individuality as a distinctive sign of beauty, of singular beauty in an environment of plural beauty. By accepting ourselves we can be authentic in a situation of relationship with our environment, we are one with everything that surrounds us.
  • I believe in the body as a reflection of our mind. Our body will be what our mind be. When body and heart, mind and soul come together, it is when the expression of the beauty that has been granted, that has been deposited in us, can emerge in us. Problems in the emission of the song have a mental and not physical origin. Analyze what fears you have in your life that prevent you from expressing what is in your soul.
  • I do not believe in vocal technique as an explanation of the art of singing, because the art of singing is inexplicable. It comes from nature itself, from the gift you receive to be offered to others, a gift that resides in your own soul, in your own essence. You are a channel of beauty of nature itself. Altering the channel is altering nature itself.
  • I do not believe in the current teaching singing based on the conceptualization of the unknown, in the creation of false images in an eagerness, proper to the human ego, to explain the inexplicable, to control the uncontrollable. It can not give another result than falsehood.
  • I do not believe in learning the phonetic device as a means to improve the singing, like the singing bird that does not know or need to know how its song works. Many times the obsession with the use and knowledge of the means that intervene in the processes of our vital activities has resulted in the use and excessive control of these means being an end in themselves, forgetting where those vital activities are born. In the case of singing, in our essence.
  • I do not believe in breathing exercises. It is to alter something natural with unnatural exercises. The body knows how to breathe on its own, just as the heart knows how to beat itself. As you read this, think about your breathing and it will automatically be altered. You do not need to think about it, it simply works according to what your body needs at that moment.
  • I do not believe in vocalization exercises as an obsessive repetition of false patterns, patterns based on fear, patterns based on the lack of confidence in yourself, thinking that you can consciously control a gift that resides in your heart, center of your essence, in the center of your soul.
  • I do not believe in the continuous effort to desire what you want. That makes you an eternal fighter. Heal your mind and find out your true purpose in life. You will realize that it is not what you thought it was.

I do not pretend to be in possession of the truth but these reflections do start from a position very close to a consciousness away from the ego. I leave these opinions "on the table" and if at least they produce in you a certain sense of identification, that will mean that at some point we will have connected.


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