I do not believe in the obsession of obtaining results as a goal to accomplish things. Having separated us from nature, from the "mother" that has created us, we have been surprised by such ignorance of the things that it has led us to create the prevailing need to consciously control what we are doing. Otherwise we feel unacceptably lost, we do not know what to do. This is how we have disconnected, we have separated ourselves. This need for control has led to the two great mental premises that every separated person seeks, the "how to do for" and the "if I do this then I get the other".
The need of control is an effect of the main cause of feeling unprotected and lacking in "something" that gives us security. Stop thinking, let things flow from the present moment are activities that we must accustom ourselves to exercise to begin to feel that we are not unprotected, that the solution arises by itself without having to do anything, that Nature is waiting for us to stop to act through us. But our fears and our need for control makes us build an impassable wall where Nature can not pass through and act.
A very clear example is what happens in certain tv shows hardly criticized by some classical singers. They see how successful people who have not had, according to their own comments, any technical preparation, who have not fought to get there, who have been given everything for nothing, who have not had to call hundreds of doors to achieve fame. It turns out that these people who "succeed" are the obvious witnesses of everything that I am commenting, they are the living reflection of the start-up of an intuition, a natural know-how and a talent that is given to them and that they do not know how to control it. That's what it's about, that they "do not know" or need to know! They do not need to control anything. It is a gift, a skill, that is given to them and they let it flow in a natural way. There is no need for human intervention, conscious intervention, the need for control. They are simply. When you begin to ask why this or another action occurs and associate it with a mechanical movement of the separated body, it begins to spoil the talent, since it stops being natural, if it is fully, to become a mechanical action . And mechanical actions do not have the blessing of nature, a natural action becomes unnatural. It does not leave the soul because we do not want it to come out of it. We need to control it mentally, mechanically feel what is happening. These people who criticize the natural expression of a gift without conscious intervention are a clear example of the obsessive pursuit of "how to do for" instead of "stopping, not thinking, receiving and feeling". They feel threatened in their concept of singer. They do not conceive the lack of effort to achieve objectives. That character that has cost so much to build can not break down like that. Through this character, that it's a pure construction, they themselves have built the impassable wall through which nature itself can not act through them. The need for personal control, a mental control, the need to take the reins themselves from something they can not control make this wall perfectly fulfill its function.
The need of control is an effect of the main cause of feeling unprotected and lacking in "something" that gives us security. Stop thinking, let things flow from the present moment are activities that we must accustom ourselves to exercise to begin to feel that we are not unprotected, that the solution arises by itself without having to do anything, that Nature is waiting for us to stop to act through us. But our fears and our need for control makes us build an impassable wall where Nature can not pass through and act.
D: Day8.28 See how liberating it will be to not have to go through the turns of trying to figure out "how to do" to achieve acceptance of what you do not like! How liberating it will be to see that you do not have to do that! How liberating it would be to accept all your feelings and not to think about what is true and what is not! Verify that you no longer have false feelings. That your feelings do not deceive you, but help you! That they do nothing but call you to express your true Self! To the true representation of who you are - who you are now! (A course of love)
A very clear example is what happens in certain tv shows hardly criticized by some classical singers. They see how successful people who have not had, according to their own comments, any technical preparation, who have not fought to get there, who have been given everything for nothing, who have not had to call hundreds of doors to achieve fame. It turns out that these people who "succeed" are the obvious witnesses of everything that I am commenting, they are the living reflection of the start-up of an intuition, a natural know-how and a talent that is given to them and that they do not know how to control it. That's what it's about, that they "do not know" or need to know! They do not need to control anything. It is a gift, a skill, that is given to them and they let it flow in a natural way. There is no need for human intervention, conscious intervention, the need for control. They are simply. When you begin to ask why this or another action occurs and associate it with a mechanical movement of the separated body, it begins to spoil the talent, since it stops being natural, if it is fully, to become a mechanical action . And mechanical actions do not have the blessing of nature, a natural action becomes unnatural. It does not leave the soul because we do not want it to come out of it. We need to control it mentally, mechanically feel what is happening. These people who criticize the natural expression of a gift without conscious intervention are a clear example of the obsessive pursuit of "how to do for" instead of "stopping, not thinking, receiving and feeling". They feel threatened in their concept of singer. They do not conceive the lack of effort to achieve objectives. That character that has cost so much to build can not break down like that. Through this character, that it's a pure construction, they themselves have built the impassable wall through which nature itself can not act through them. The need for personal control, a mental control, the need to take the reins themselves from something they can not control make this wall perfectly fulfill its function.
Instead of seeing others as a threat to their thoughts, to their beliefs about what they should or should not be, a threat to the ideal image they have built of themselves that they can not get, they should start looking at themselves with a little honesty and asking, "what am I doing that this does not work, what thoughts should I have that lead me to have these unwanted experiences". Only in this way can you begin to enter into a path of search within yourself, which is where the truth lies, where you will find the answers to everything you are doing and where you can reach what you long for, which may not be what you initially thought and discover a new world that had nothing to do with his concept of ideal singer, and even more, with his concept of ideal person. Person and singer can not consider them as separate entities, as we can not separate soul and mind. They two must act together.
There are no rules to follow to achieve singing with the soul, because again we would be conceptualizing and intellectualizing a function of nature. There is no "The 3 steps to sing with the soul" but there is a series of practices that can be approaching little by little:
- The acceptance of myself and the natural characteristics of my instrument, my body, my personality. Stop, do not think. Practice stopping the mind from time to time. Sit comfortably on a sofa, in bed or wherever you feel comfortable. Close your eyes, put on a relaxing music if you wish, and stop thinking. Hear only your breath and you can appreciate the natural depth of it, how that practice of lifting the veil of the palate that you were told in the vocal technique classes is now produced in a natural way, comes without having to think about it, without having to consciously activate no muscle. It simply occurs. You are connecting with your interior.
- Do not conceptualize, do not try to repeat again and again a physical mechanism for the intended achievement of a result. Do not think about what you should or should not be. Just flow and go experimenting.
- Do not judge yourself because you will be judging Nature itself and your authenticity.
(...) We have left behind the trials and, with them, the need for opinions and to "think" about "how" to react. The reaction has been replaced by the response. The calculating mental assemblies have been replaced by the authentic expression. And this will only seem to you to have actually happened like this, if you allow yourself to enjoy the freedom of the new, of the freedom to be your true Self. (A course of love)
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