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My definiton of natural "gift"

I would personally define the gifts as those skills that make us unique, that
differentiate us from the rest, that make us different within the unit to which we all belong. Therefore the gift is not an exclusive "grace" that some people have and others do not, that some people are included and others excluded. The ability to develop the expression of music through the voice is a gift we all have. If it does not develop it is due to the walls and barriers that we put ourselves through. If you enjoy the fact of singing, it is that nature wants to express itself through you through sounds, through the union of music and the word. And this expression is unique in you from the point of view of your particular characteristics. All who are called to sing have the gift of song, the ability to sing.

That all of us who sing have this gift does not mean that it occurs in the same way. It is, for example, through the timbre, the color of the nuances that make a voice unique and different, which shows that the gift is produced differently. Therefore we have the gift of all those who are called to express by singing. The way to do it is what distinguishes us from each other. In the diversity lies the richness of nature, the complex beauty that characterizes nature is the tremendous diversity that occurs within it. Therefore we do not have to worry about being different. On the contrary, we have to be proud of that difference because it is nature itself that has wanted it to be so, and as channels of the beauty of nature that we are, the earlier we accept this fact, the more natural we will find our song and, therefore, easier and beautiful.

Hence the importance of not wanting to imitate the voice of another, not wanting to have the particularities of another because, in its very definition, the particularities are precisely what makes it "particular", unique. To want to imitate another or others is to go against oneself and that means going against your own nature, going against Nature. The same thing happens when wanting to have a voice that conforms to the standards of what is "supposed" to sound according to a type of voice.


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